Tamil Language Elective Programme (TLEP)
The Tamil Language Elective Programme at the Pre-University Level (TLEP-JC) has been offered at ASRJC since 2020.. It aims to encourage students to attain a high level of proficiency and competency in using the Tamil Language, enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of Tamil Literature and Culture, and develop effectively bilingual students.
TLEP is a two-year programme and TLEP-JC students must offer H2 Tamil Language and Literature (H2 TLL) at ‘A’ Level. It will consist of signature activities such as language camps and overseas immersion programmes. There will also be enrichment activities such as literary lecture series.
Secondary School students selected for TLEP-JC are eligible to enjoy 2 bonus points for admission to the college. O level students should have attained at least:
- B3 in Higher Tamil Language (), or
- B4HTL in HTL and B3 for Literature in Tamil (Full or Elective), or
- A2 in Tamil Language (TL)