Student Developmental Pathway
Student Development at ASRJC
In ASRJC, we recognise that every student is unique and possesses the agency to discover and nurture his or her interests, strengths and talents. The ASRJC Student Development Framework – SCA² LE – outlines the range of holistic learning opportunities purposefully curated at ASRJC in the following domains: Service, Cognitive, Active, Aesthetics, Leadership and Education and Career Guidance (ECG).
The learning opportunities in each domain are organised into three levels, featuring a variety of college-wide learning experiences for all students in each domain at the first level, and offering students choice to explore and extend their learning in the second and third levels.
We believe that these learning opportunities, organised by the college and our community partners, will enrich our students’ college experience and empower them to find their purpose, courage, and passion in learning, leading and serving as Imaginative Thinkers and Caring Leaders.