Table Tennis
ASR Table Tennis CCA is a welcoming and friendly community where players of all skill levels come together to practice, improve, and build connections. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, the CCA provides a supportive environment for everyone.

Our training sessions are on every Tuesday and Thursdays 5.30pm to 7.30pm, with an additional session on SDL days as we approach the National School Games (NSG) season. We kick off each session with warm-ups to ensure players are prepared for the physical demands of the sport. From there, we dive into focused drills that are designed to enhance key skills such as service, attack and defense.
We end off each session by having friendly matches within the team. These matches allow players to apply what they’ve learned in a real-game setting, helping them to improve their strategies and gain confidence.
Our coach is hands-on, offering guidance and personalized feedback, ensuring that every player, regardless of experience, has the chance to improve. This way, we foster a team environment where everyone can improve together and no one is left behind.
We compete against other colleges in NSG, giving us the chance to test ourselves at a higher level and continue evolving as players. These experiences push us to raise our standards, build resilience, and refine our skills under pressure.

In addition, we partake in youth-led service learning projects, helping the community, elderly as well as those in need.

The key strength of our Table Tennis CCA is our team spirit. Beyond training, we have regular bonding activities like team dinners or casual outings that help foster friendships and create a peaceful and unique atmosphere.

United by our passion and team spirit, we thrive together through rigorous training, friendly matches, and meaningful community engagement, allowing our journey in ASR Table Tennis to be an unforgettable and enriching journey.